Monday, July 6, 2009

Made-Up Movie Lingo

The Kate Hudson in Almost Famous Role playing Syndrome

Definition-An actor/actress playing a role that is similar to who they resemble in reality.

Origin-Probably sometime in 2003 when I first saw Almost Famous. The film was really good, (but I'm not here to discuss that) and Kate Hudson practically stole the show. Look at her recognition for her performance. But aside from that, is there anything noteworthy about the rest of her career? You be the judge. Well, in my opinion, there really isn't. (aside from the teen choice and MTV movie awards recognition.) So, do you think it was a fluke performance in which she got overconfident afterwards, partied too much, and never got her career back on track? Hell no, because she did and was all that even before her acting career. She's the daughter of Goldie Hawn who was well, a hippie-like woman who is who Kate plays in Almost Famous. Also, because rich celebrity's kids are usually fucked up and party constantly, Kate was perfect for the role. So, Kate plays a hippie, who's also a band groupie, (or Band-Aid, whatever. Watch the film if you don't know what I mean.) who does a lot of drugs, parties too much, sleeps with too many guys, says weird shit, and is totally unaware that she's probably being played. Now, doesn't that sound like what she'd be like in real life? Also worth noting is she also just happened to be dating a rock star front man at the time Almost Famous was in production. And don't give me that "she worked with a good director only in this film and none others" bullshit. The truth is, she really wasn't that talented of an actress and she was practically playing who she is in real life in the film, and that's why she looked so good.

Other examples of the syndrome-
Robert Downey Jr. in Less than Zero
Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler
50 cent in Righteous Kill
Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino

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